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Selected Bibliography

Haers, Wouter, Veerle Lanszweert, Lies Rock. Antropia 4 : Kunstbeschouwing. Averbode: Uitgeverij Averbode, 2022
Mirshawka, Victor. Economia Criativa: Fontes de Novos Empregos - Volume 1 e 2. Brazil, DVS Editora, 2019
Kimmel, Michael S., et al. Sociology Now. United Kingdom, Pearson, 2017
Gilroy-Ware, C. H. Antonio Canova and the Whatever Body. Open Library of Humanities 3(1), 2. 2017
La scultura dopo il Duemila: idolatria e iconoclastia. Italy, Gutenberg edizioni, 2015
Selves, Symbols, and Sexualities: An Interactionist Anthology. United States, SAGE Publications, 2014
Graydon, Shari. In Your Face: The Culture of Beauty and You. Canada, Annick Press, 2014

Fogli d'ombra Spoken Word EP

Artribune - Fogli d'ombra. Il progetto musicale di Anna Utopia Giordano
Neutopia - Anna Utopia Giordano | Svelarsi, non rivelarsi, di Isidoro Concas
RUMORE n. 352 - Maggio 2021
Indie Life - Fogli d'ombra: il fascino dello spoken word, di Pietro Caresana (Interview)
Il Salotto di Malcom (Interview)
Anna Utopia Giordano: il suono e la parola come esperienze (Interview)
TRAKS (Interview)
Cherry Press - Anna Utopia Giordano: luce e ombra, questo tempo di apocalisse (Interview)
Eroica Fenice - Anna Utopia Giordano: ombre e luci tra i suoni e le parole (Interview)
Blog della musica - Anna Utopia Giordano: l'immersione dentro "Fogli d'ombra" (Interview)
MEI - Anna Utopia Giordano: "Fogli d'ombra" e' il progetto spoken word dell'artista visuale


Apart from highlighting once again the amazing possibilities of digital technologies applied to art,
this job [Venus] from Anna Giordano is indeed a good cue to reconsider both the subjectivity of cultural
standards (in facts, ours are so different from the past ones) and the inclination of modern society
and advertising companies to edit most images of  feminine body in order to reach a fake perfection,
corresponding to an unreachable reality. via DigitalMeetCulture

Per evidenziare la follia della taglia zero imposta all'immaginario collettivo attuale, l'artista ha sottoposto
a una dieta "forzata" le Veneri piu' celebri della storia della pittura. Passate al Photoshop le bellissime
immagini che hanno fatto palpitare per secoli gli amanti di tutto il mondo risultano inquietanti e perdono pathos.
Una critica forte che dice piu' di tante parole e che ha scatenato un forte dibattito sul web. Via Repubblica.it

New York Daily News / Guardian / Corriere / BBC / LeMatin / TheTelegraph / TheTelegraph (paper) / Yahoo / The Daily / LaInformacion / Liberation Next / Valleyvanguard / D Repubblica, Dagens Nyheter / WomenYouShouldKnow / Focus Extra 55 / Femina Magazine (India) / ArtInfo / Glamour.com / MarieClaire (China) / Repubblica - Firenze / Stanford Art Review / Blic / ElComercio / Gazeta / WaToday / DailyMail / ABCnews / Vogue / LeMonde / Big Browser (LeMonde) / Globo / HuffingtonPost UK / Ad.nl / HuffingtonPost / AlFemminile / Rynek Sztuki / Standaard / JPN / Gentside / MDZonline / FlashArt - online / BigThink / ArtMediaAgency / TrendHunter / Toronto / Jezebel / Stylist / 20minutes / Lettera43 / TheGloss / Marieclairvoyant / Refinery29 / ClandestinoWeb / Apollodoro / Bright.nl / Loopinsight / Bluebus / Holesinthenet / YourDailyPics / Folha / Flavorwire / Bouguereau / LucianaLevy / Iprofesional / HurricaneVanessa / Zing / Pokayoke / BadAssDigest / Progressonline / Infolliteras / Dalje / PourFemme / Upi / TruthDig / Jezebel / TheStar / DigitalMeetCulture / Gentside / Upi / Bazonline / Nieuwsblad / Charlotte Wessels / AddChallengedeye / Viralmente / Bonsai / DesignCollector / Thaeger / POPperiscope / WeStudyMedia / Giornalettismo / Puntodincontro / FirstFloorUnder / Wtfisupwithmylovelife / Pinkraygun / MediaCollective / Thenextjew /


"The bottles are clever and, as with all great art, are a brilliant inspiration for discussion on a number of topics:
How many brands are my kids exposed to and how young? What kind of food am I feeding my family? How young are
my kids experimenting with alcohol?" via DadCamp

"Cette demarche volontairement provocante invite a la reflexion sur un certain nombre de sujets. Accompagnant
ces photos d'un message de responsabilisation en direction des parents, Anna Utopia Giordano les invite a prendre
conscience des dangers de l'alcool sur les enfants et adolescents (notamment via l'exposition intra-uterine) mais
aussi au ciblage marketing dont ils font partie de plus en plus tot." via AlcooClic

YahooFr / Tgcom24 / DailyMail / R7 - Hildegard Angel / Folha / AlcooClic / DadCamp / Thaeger / Wenn / My Modern Metropolis / 20Minutes / Paranoias / BlogBabble / Anita Pepe's Blog / Hungeree / BusinessInsider / WrongMag / Interactivity / InfoDoctor / Pianetamamma / KulturPart / Gentside / DocNews / Glamout / FeelDesain / Allgamein / DesignYouTrust / P3 / KikaPress / Paesesera / WhoKilledBambi / WallMag / Bloggokin / PickMeUp / Laughingsquid / Hidhsnobiety / Gizmodiva / Famili.fr / Good2b / TrendHunter / EToday / HelloCoton / Rtl.be / Vox / Toniq / IstitutoCulturalArteBrasil / Mediagate.gr / Foodista / AllReport.ru / BrandFlakesForBreakfast / YummyMummyClub / Randommization / Arkko / YinnYang / EditoWeb / Doctissimo / Parent24 / Beyazkadincataldilli / Jeremyriad / Bitrebels / MamaSitaCorps / PopFlys / Probablybest / Musinsa / Helablog / WomanHoy / Chilango / BlueStrawberry / Blogdosgemeos / Divirta-se / Xeber / Psema / CoolHuntingProject / ConnceptDesign / HurricaneVanessa / LaLorgnette / Lou-tfreshtoast / Hawnb / MarketingAttitude / Maisdetalheshere / CoolForSideWalk / Vitaminbwine / Pro-Amour / VredNovosti / Upakovano / KeepYaSwag / BlueExpressFamily / Anadaday / StupidoUomoGenio / Fluctuat / Magic / Foodiggity / FoodBeast / ChroniquesFromParis / YouBentMyWookie / TheDropNYC / Pihovkin / AndamosArmados / TrendHunter / TheCitrusReport / Japemonster / FatKids / MattsBrickGallery / CristianMonroy / Iamturbo / I'mJustCreative / TrendsNow / Duckz / BroadSheet / TysonWilliams / Allwebtubs / FeelingTheBlank / Bifuteki / Benhammer / Whudat / Viralmente / Clothic / Projectcan / FloDezign / Reklamist / SwagSoFresh / Hypesrus / Movementsandnonsense / Paiandesign / Musinsa / VeryBadFrog / Newodrome / 1Fotech / Doctorojiplatico / Awesomenator / UnderConsideration / Pichaus / ArchetipeCollective / Taxi / LesMarquesEtMoi / OneFunnyJoke / OcioAgudo / Meltibuzz / Psfk / Hawnb / MinuteBuzz InspireFirst / OliPhillips / LoftMusic / RockCityRuhr / CherryBombed / Twentyfouroz / CozyCot / Gutenver / Complex / ModernDestiny / TheBrightIdea / Gazetasetelagoana / ArtrickPlayground / Tuxboard / Rypens / DesignSwan / CuteDrop / Gamme / AnjumFauzi / CMYBacon / EvilBeards / Rekly / Curiosidadesnanet / MassimoBertucci / Syok / Vagabundos / Desneurando / Vxcrew / TheAggregate / Acontecems / VisualBlog / StreetDandys / QuinzeMinutos / Seniaferrante / PttPtt / Renegadesregalia / Conversasdecozinha / BlogDoPaolo / Todaela / Supdecom / Rs-time / PaperBlog / Fresher / Shnick /

My social generation and other interviews

"Land in Eden" Project on I'm Magazine / Toxique Magazine / TrendHunter Magazine / Un Melimelo d'idees a p'Art / YouPix / Jetzt / Ginva / Fubiz Anita Pepe's Blog / Paolo Meneghetti's Critical Essay on Venice Culture / C-Heads / ModEyes / RevolutionMag / IMPpress / CoverGirl / LiberaEva

Rapsodie (books)

WYSIWIG (What You See Is What I Got)
di Anna Utopia Giordano
Ed. Lulu.com - 80pp - ISBN 9781447669807
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Fotogrammi | Ideas Depictions
di Enrico Santus Aversano & Anna utopia Giordano
2011 Ed. Siska - ISBN 9788897642046
with photos by Milo Alterio, Lorenzo Brusadelli, Francesca Cao,
Daniele Carfora, Paolo Liggeri, Alessandro d'Onofrio,
Vincenzo Pagliuca, Nicola Serra, Un Artista Minimalista,
Marco Ventimiglia
Music by Un Artista Minimalista

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Mentre un'altra pagina si volta
Poetry Collection - Various Authors
2010 Ed. Giulio Perrone Editore - ISBN  9788863161991

Buy on Perronelab online store ►

Frammenti Ossei
a cura di Ivan Pozzoni
Poetry Collection - Various Authors
2011 Ed. Limina Mentis - ISBN  9788895881362

Buy on Limina Mentis online store ►

Rapsodie (online)

My Blog
Gian Paolo Guerini
Aelo IV
Aeolo III
Fuori Le Mura
Rivista Idra
Atti Impuri
Ellin Selae