eucrasia 1 - 7
Title: ἐκγραφῆς | eucrasia 1 - 7
Technique: poetry, artificial intelligence, digital art
Year: 2022
The images are part of Anna Utopia Giordano's series ἐκγραφῆς. The rhapsody eucrasia, taken from the poetic triptych Omne Trinus Est Perfectum by Utopia, was utilized, along with the appropriate technical parameters, as a prompt for a text-to-image artificial intelligence. The images were further post-produced, completing the translation work from text to image. The seven images were exhibited during the contemporary art festival Fuori Visioni at the Passerini-Landi Library in Piacenza from December 15 to 17, 2022.
jinn sussurra alleli simmetrici,
lecca funzioni suriettive,
inghiotte recettori dactilitici,
e invoca ambliopia,
tenaglie e pulsioni ottiche
sciolte in assegni inflessi:
ciò di cui gli uomini si nutrono.
Iblis sussurra il mio nome,
sorrido, si brucia.
Thanks to Gualberto Alvino for the Greek consultation.
The photography of ἐκγραφῆς exhibited during Fuori Visioni is by Luca Meli.